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Whenever someone contacts me either by e-mail, for a phone consultation, or for personal training instruction and they say to me; "I can't gain weight no matter what I do", I patiently try to explain to them the basics of proper macronutrient balance along with a detailed plan for several meals throughout the day with the emphasis on adding more quality calories. But in my mind, I fantasize about smacking them repeatedly over the head with a 45 pound plate while screaming;
Are you starting to detect a theme here?
Going with this basic understanding along with the premise that no diet is magical or mystical, there are those who would like a detailed plan on gaining mass. If that describes you, then the following information should be right up your alley. It offers some of the best advice I know to pack on pounds, fast!
Time for another reality check:
No matter what, you can not increase size without increasing weight and you can't increase weight without increasing calories and you can not increase calories without putting on some fat.
That said, if you follow the methods I've outlined here, fat gain should be kept to a minimum. And you will grow -- guaranteed.
I'm not going to lie to you. What I'm about to propose isn't easy. Nor is it convenient. So unless you're committed to doing what it takes, stop reading now. Also, if you have a foolproof connection to all the gear you would ever care to take, move on. I can't top that. But if you're interested in making some serious gains, drug free, without spending a fortune on supplements, it can be done. Of course, if you want to add some additional supps into this program, it can tilt the odds in your favor. As a matter of fact, you can employ these methods while on a cycle and make even better gains than you thought possible. Some of the suggestions may seem simplistic, others a bit odd. Nevertheless, they must be followed implicitly. Attempting to tweak a little here and there will only produce inferior results.
The reason these tactics work so well is because they simulate the effects of steroids. Stick with me and you'll see what I mean.
Before embarking on this program, it's imperative that you have the time to see it through. If you're going to be on an erratic schedule, or out of town, or putting in extra hours at work or school, don't bother getting started. Wait until you know you have two weeks to devote to getting BIG.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to lay out the guidelines in ten easy to understand segments.
Before you do anything else, you must take a few days off from training. This will assure that no body part is still recuperating. I also want you to be eager to hit your upcoming workouts with a vengeance! Try to eat as cleanly as possible with a slight calorie deficit. (I'll explain the reason for this in a moment. Nothing drastic. Don't go hungry. Just eat less (especially carbs) and avoid empty calories. Try to eat red meat at least once a day in order to maintain strength.
After three days, you're ready to begin the program.
Step 1: If You Aren't Full -- Eat!
This may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how often this simple procedure is overlooked. Overeating is extremely anabolic. What I'm implying isn't the standard, "eat every three hours" concept. I'm suggesting eating all day long! And that means everything, including carbs. The fact that you were in a minor calorie deficit caused a loss of glycogen from the muscles which will now be refilled. Because the muscles can store more sugar, there's less chance of the carbs being converted to fat. This will allow this extra food to more readily be used for energy and muscle growth. If you're afraid of what equates to force-feeding, you'll never know the thrill of the potential growth spurt it can provide.
Step 2: Retain Water
Fill up a gallon jug of water at the beginning of the day and make sure you finish it before the end of the day. I don't care what it takes. Sip it all day long if you have to. The body must get used to carrying more weight in order for it to hold on to increases in size. Constant hydration is the best way to do that. Don't wait until you're thirsty! Once you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated and in a catabolic state. By the way, don't be shy with the sodium intake. It will make you hold more water. Sure, you'll be bloated and look smooth, but any mass drug will do the same thing to you. Now isn't the time to be concerned with definition. Just get big.
Step 3: Have a Blast From The Past
One of the overlooked aspects of steroids is the fact that they increase appetite. When the first Mr. Olympia, Larry Scott, was first introduced to Dianabol, (Aah, my beloved Dianabol -- how I miss you so. They're magically delicious!), he made tremendous gains. The photos from his first
One of the best methods of increasing appetite is with a substance that has become the poster boy for outdated supplements: Desiccated Liver tablets. Liver contains high doses of vitamin B12 which has a substantial influence on appetite. Liver also contains hemme iron, which is the natural state of iron found in animal tissue (unlike ferrous sulfate, which is the synthetic form found in most mineral supplements and can be toxic in high dosages). Hemme iron will increase red blood cells. As you may already know, steroids also increase red blood cell count.
Take 100 Grains of Desiccated Liver 6 times a day in-between meals.
Step 4: Sit Down Instead of Sit Up
Do no ab work during this time. Abdominal training stresses the nervous system more so than other types of training because of the pressure put on the solar plexus. The solar plexus is considered the center of the nervous system. You won't have abs at this time anyway so don't think about them.
Step 5: Just Say No To Aerobics
That means none! No sports, no bicycle, not on "off days", not "just a little"...nothing! You need all your energy for your workouts. Don't waste it on non-muscle building exertion. Don't worry about your heart getting enough exercise. You'll live.
Step 6: Cream Of The Crop
Mix all your MRP's with whole milk. Half and Half would be even better. I don't want to get into a discussion as to whether milk has growth factors or if the lactoferrin increases immunity. Whole milk has fat! And that's what you need right now, both for its calories and for the anabolic effect. Many readers already know of the need for fat already, but I had someone write to me recently arguing this point. He told me he was a "certified personal trainer!" (Whoa! Was I ever impressed once I heard that!) He went on about how he read that muscle growth was obtained through the intake of complex carbs – not fat or excessive protein. I'm sorry pal, I must have missed that issue of Prevention Magazine.
Drink at least one MRP between breakfast and lunch and another after dinner every day without fail. During this time, food isn't just sustenance. It's a mandatory tool.
Step 7: Egg-cellence
Organic whole eggs are the most anabolic food on the planet. Think about it. An egg has all the components of life itself. Egg protein is still regarded by many as the very best protein source. The reason for organic eggs is that caged hens are forced to lay more eggs. (They do this by simulating "shorter days" with artificial light.) This means their eggs are less potent. I must admit, I know of no data that proves this other than the fact organic eggs are bigger, have plumper yokes and taste better. Free range chickens also eat insects which increases the protein quality within the embryo. (Caged hens are fed only grain.)
Boil up a half dozen eggs and put them in the refrigerator. Eat them at various intervals along the day. What about all that cholesterol? Glad you asked. The cholesterol in an egg isn't like other cholesterols. They contain the proper amount of fat emulsifiers to counteract the LDL. You see, the body will make as much cholesterol as it needs even on a low cholesterol diet. If cholesterol intake far exceeds what the body will manufacture, then you've got problems. The key is to restrict the "bad" and elevate the "good" cholesterol (HDL) which is the basis of all cell growth and that's what eggs do. This is another example of how Mother Nature knows best.
Sleep nine hours each night. Ten is even better. Taking an afternoon nap is better still.
Step 9: Graze and Gorge
Buy cans of olives and nuts and nibble on them all day long. They're loaded with monounsaturated fat yet aren't very filling so you can really pack in the calories. This is important! Don't neglect it.
Step 10: Mass Fast
This will be the most simple workout schedule you'll ever have to keep. Remember: NO SUBSTITUTIONS! This routine will work all the major muscles as well as the stabilizers. They're compound movements designed for mass.
It's time to shock the body into an anabolic state.
Day One: Dips. After warming up, dip till failure. Once failure in the full range is reached, continue with partial reps until total failure is achieved. If you can do more than 15 full dips, add weight. Do four sets. That's it!
Day Two: Off
Day Three: Squats. Using a weight which you would normally use for 10-12 reps and do 20 reps. Rest as long as you need to do another set of 20. Repeat for four sets. You're done.
This is a short but oh so painful workout. But as they say; "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." See it through. Don't skimp.
Day Four: Off
Day Five: Without a warm up, do a set of slow, deliberate, underhand chins to failure. Rest completely before embarking on a set of heavy deadlifts. Do 3 more sets of deadlifts with maximum weight in the 3-4 rep range. Leave the gym.
Day Six: Off
Day Seven: Off
If you follow these guidelines to the letter, I guarantee you'll experience growth like you're on the sauce. (Well, pretty close, at least.) After about two weeks, the results will slow down and the excess calories will more likely be converted to fat. That's when it's time for an alternate approach, such as switching to a higher volume routine. For now... get ready to grow. It's a good feeling.
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